We help you obtain
grants for eco-investments
Regardless of whether you are an individual investor, a company or an institution, we offer comprehensive support in the field of grants and financing. Our solutions are tailored to your needs, and our knowledge of aid and subsidy programs allows you to achieve your goals related to efficient and sustainable energy.
Grants for individual customers

Mój Prąd 5.0
- Up to 50% funding
- Financing, among others photovoltaic micro-installations, energy storage, solar collectors, HEMS/EMS energy management systems
- qualification period: from February 1, 2020

Czyste Powietrze
- from 40% to 100% co-financing financing of photovoltaic micro-installations up to PLN 135,000 financing if the investment includes comprehensive thermal modernization with a PV installation
Grants for micro, small, medium and large businesses.

Ecological loan
- program addressed to SMEs, small mid-cap and mid-cap
- nationwide program
- co-financing intensity from 25% to 80%

- financing of photovoltaic installations, hybrid installations, and accompanying energy storage facilities
- co-financing up to 20%

Energia Plus
- funding in the form of a loan or grant
- subsidy of up to 50% of eligible costs for ORC technology
- loan forgiveness possible up to 10% of the amount paid

- Operation FENX.01.01 Energy efficiency
- Measure FENX.02.02 Development of renewable energy sources
- Operation FENX.02.03 Energy infrastructure
Financing for public entities, including: local government units, universities and other public units

- Zero-emission energy system
- Energy-efficient construction
- Improving energy efficiency and water and sewage management in national parks

- Construction or expansion of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity and/or heat from biogas, together with energy storage facilities operating for the needs of a given RES source and connection to the grid
- Improving energy efficiency in public buildings